

POST 10: ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGES Hello teacher and classmates, this week I'll talk to you about my experience and opinion relating to studying English at the university. First, I have to say that to study English at the university is very different from to study English at the high school. In this sense, at the university you can use computers, to talk with your partners –to practice pronunciation, vocabulary and general things about the language- and the teacher is very concerned about your learning, which is appraised in the permanent feedback. One way, which has been effective for my learning, is the use of blogs: doing blogs I learned about grammar and vocabulary, principally. Other way, which also has been effective for my learning, is the “video tests”, in which I had to record to myself with my phone while has talking about a specific topic (my future job, a subject I enjoyed at school, among others): doing video tests I learned about pronunciation, grammar, vo


POST 9: CHANGES TO MY STUDY PROGRAMME. Hello teacher and classmates, this week I'll talk to you about some changes that could be made to my study programme ! As you know, I am studying sociology in the University of Chile (Faculty of Social Sciences, campus “Juan Gómez Millas”), but, despite I am quite happy with my career, I think that there are some changes that could be made to the study programme. On the one hand, about the curriculum, that is to say , the subjects we have to study, I think that should have subjets about classical lines of research like sociology of religion or sociology of law. In addition, I think that there are too many introductory subjetcs, so there should be fewer subjects of this type. In effect, if we had not this introductory subjetcs, the lenght of sociology would be less that five years: the lenght of the career is very long!. On the other hand, about the faculty facilities, that is to say, buildinds and infraestructure, i think there aren&


Hello teacher and classmates, this week I'll give my opinion! What is your opinion about recycling? In my opinion, to recycle is currently fundamental if we want to stay alive. In this sense, the effects of global warming have received ample coverage in the press, the policy and the academic world, and, indeed, it has been clearly shown that to recycle is a way of counter this ecological disaster: the enterprises, the persons, the institutions and everyone must recycle! What is your opinion about child labor? In my point of view, the first thing that calls our attention here is an important and apparent contradiction: an economic system which “generates peace and prosperity” and a mass of poor children who are forced to work to survive. We must understand that the problem isn’t the Asiatic countries, where are the children’s, the problem is the structuration of the economic system. What is your opinion about violence on television? In my point of view, if

Post 7: My childhood

Hello teacher and classmates, this week I'll talk to you about my childhood! What food/song/smell brings back childhood memories? Every time I smell marihuana I remember my childhood, because, when I was a child, my neighbor used to plant, and to sell, marihuana. The smell of this plant was overpowering. We, my family and other neighbors, never knew the name of this neighbor: we used to call him “the skinny” (“el flaco”, in spanish), as he loved to call himself. What is your most favourite childhood memory? But, the smell of marihuana isn’t my only childhood memory. In this sense, I have a vivid memory in my neighbourhood: Diego, Lucas, Camila and I were playing soccer in the street when Pirata, the dog of the old men from the corner store, stole our ball and start running to the other street. We ran behind Pirata all the day. It was a great day! What TV series did you use to watch when you were a child? When I was a child, I used to watch a lot of TV seri


Post 6: Post graduate studies Hello everybody, this week I'll talk to you about a postgraduate course that I would consider taking in the future. Even though I'm studying, I´m thinking about a postgraduate course, because I would like to go into one aspect in particular: the Latin American reality. In this sense, I usually read about Latin America: its history, its culture, etc, and I organize a reading group about social sciences and our region. It is for this reason that I would consider taking the Master in Latin American Studies, which is dictated in person in the faculty of philosophy and humanities, in the University of Chile. There are some subjects that I want to take: “Modernity in Latin America. A vision from the architecture”, “Material culture: approaches, perspectives and cases in Latin America” and “Cultural fields and literary creation in the first half of the 20th century: writing of women in Latin America and the Caribbean”. Also, I want to go


Post 5: My future job Hello everybody, this week I'll talk to you about my future job! As you know, I am studying sociology, a career with a lot of possibilities. In this sense I’d like to work as a sociologist in the public service because, I like to study public politics, on one hand, and I think that the public service is the best place for care intervention, on the other hand. When you work as a sociologist in the public service –probably located in some city of Chile- you have to know a lot about Chilean regulation and social intervention, and I’m good with this! Also, this kind of job involves working with other professionals like anthropologists, psychologists, economists, educators, among others. The downside is that you have to work long hours and weekends, in this sense, much of the time you have to put aside friends and family. About the salary, I think that much would be gained in terms of money, which is complemented with long vacations, personal da
Post 4: Friends “I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do. They're really saying I love you” (Louis Armstrong). Hi everybody, today i will talk about friends I think that a real friend is someone who accompanies you in good and bad moments. I considerer a real friend someone with whom I can have a realtionship of trust and mutual understanding. It is for that reason that i like people who are authentic and sincere. But, a friend is not always a person, a friend can be a city, a place, an animal… “ Paris, I miss you, old friend . We will see each other again . My great Paris” (Edit Piaf) About myself, I make friends easly, because i am a sort of sociable person. But, I must admit that a lot of time i am not the best friend, because I tend to spend too much time on my own: to study, play music, among other things. One of my closest friend is Alexis Villanueva. We met over two years ago in a sociology class, where we work together: we wrote about